I fought an asura warrior the other day, and my shins are KILLING me!
Why can't you borrow money from a dwarf? Because they're always a little short. Ha! Get it? Ha ha! Ah, yes, I miss dwarves.
What do you say when an asura praises you? No one knows yet. (chuckle) Right?
Here's a funny story. Recently, one of my vassals said to me, "Your Majesty! I can't feel my legs!" And i replied, "Of course, you can't, stubby. I cut your arms off!" And I had! (laugh)
What do you call a sylvari who's round and green? MELON-y! You know, like the name, but also the fruit? Why aren't you all laughing? The, the melon, Melony...Laugh! Of I'll kill every last one of you humorless worms!
Were you aware that grawl have engineers? It's true. I hear one of them invented a new gadget called a "stick."
It seems the sylvari are here to stay. As no one has nipped them in the BUD, I must assume they're all of good STALK. Maybe they'll GROW on me. (laugh) Plant puns, people, please!
I paid a visit to Ascalon before coming here, and I'm not judging-but did shaving go out of style or what?
At the Durmand Priory, what is an asura's best friend? A bookah.
I hear-oh, this is a good one-I hear the mortality rate for hylek is very high. They croak every night! (laugh)
What's the fastest way to anger a norn? Tell her you've never heard of her. Ahhh, it's funny because it's true. (laugh)
Sylvari are certainly naive. They'll be-LEAF anything they hear! (laugh)
What's a norn's favorite drink? The next one! (laugh) They're all drunk.
The other night, a charr warrior told me everything he knew. It took about ten seconds.
I was confused when a servant informed me of the dredge revolt in Shiverpeaks. As far as I'm aware, dredge have always been revolting! Get it? Ugly bugly! Hoo! (laugh) They're ugly.
Two quaggans were walking in a cow pasture. The first turns to the second and says, "Foo." The other replies, "Cows say moo." The first looks down at his flippers and says, "No, foo. Poo." (snicker)
I'm so disappointed that the dwarves have disappeared. I had so many good jokes about short things. And beards.
I wanted a sylvari court musician for a while, but I gave up on the idea. I'm told their music is too SAP-py! It's really wasted on you.